Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Poem

She There she was lying on the ground weeping ever so silently To not be found Her tears moved my spirit As they washed her face I walked in her shoes In this desolate place It's the only way to supply her need To the voice of the Lord I must take heed At God's commandment I planted a seed It grew to fruition In the garden of my heart Grains of hope He did impart With a basket of salvation Clutched in my hand I traced my steps Back to her land There she was In a box she called home Lost and shaken And so all alone Her countenance so sad And the crown of her glory Told me her truth An amazing story My eyes welled with tears From soul gripping fear Our hearts now connected I'll always be near I so desperately wanted to change her life To carve out a path into the Light I came into her presence I am no longer the same She now rests in my spirit And I don't know her name I placed the basket in her hands Yes, she received God's grace, His mercy and plan She drank the wine And she ate the Bread Forevermore my friend has been fed. Written by ©Cynthia G. Boyer 2001

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