Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In the firmament of His power
We've come to give God glory and honor.
He is our Rock, our Mighty Fortress
The King that reigns, our High Tower.
His merciful kindness 
Sealed in our hearts
Love and wisdom He imparts.
Encompassed by the grace 
That breeds in our souls
Our spirits are one
Our mission, whole.
He is Sovereign in all His ways
Holy and Immutable
His hour are our days.
His love is our joy, 
Our ever-abiding peace
Possibilities abound
For His wonders never cease.
We are girlfriends 
We've come to give God glory
This is our epistle,
To warm a life, transform a heart
this is our amazing story.
Be blessed.
Cynthia G. Boyer
Founder, Girlfriends Glorifying God
Success Bound Teens
16 & Not Pregnant
Many of us are familiar with the MTV show, 16 & Pregnant.  
It breaks my heart and saddens my world to see the lives of so many young teenaged girls transformed in a nano second when they find out they are pregnant.  
Many of our young girls, unfortunately have no knowledge of the boys they have become sexually involved with and they have absolutely no clue as to what it is involved in engaging in premarital sexual activity; protected or unprotected.  If they did, they would stay Safe with Celibacy, keep their self-respect and love themselves the way they deserve to be loved and not even entertain the thought of having premarital sex.
When the teenaged girl finds out that she is pregnant, she prepares to share the unwanted news with the father of the baby and oftentimes, once they make the shocking and life changing announcement that she is about to have his baby, the young teenaged girl immediately learns a lesson that should have been learned before she decided to lie down with someone she barely even knows.   They find themselves in turmoil, life turned upside down and hurting with no words to be heard that can offer them any form of comfort.  The emotional attachment that the young girl thought that she had in the moment of passion, has just gone out of the window and she is left all alone because nine times out of ten, the girl is left with the hard responsibility of raising a baby all on her own, prayerfully, with the help of her parents for 18 years.  
Stripped away from her all too soon; her freedom and everything that goes along with being free; friends, extracurricular activities, prom, on ground campus and all the things that makes ones high school years the years she will forever cherish with memories that last a lifetime and experiences that help to shape the life of the teenaged girl.  

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