Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our To Do List From God; Our To Do List For God

Everyday presents new challenges; some are like earth quaking experiences while others are like a warm spring-summer breeze, easy and yet, like-altering. No matter what the challenge(s), obstacle, trial or tribulation, we, as believers, can often see God's handiwork as He commissions us to fulfill His Will for His glory and to grow a life-changing relationship with Him. Many of the challenges that we are forced to face and perhaps even endure have brought me to my knees in prayer always with thanksgiving and praise to my Lord and Master. Other challenges have gripped my heart, embraced and engulfed me with silence, left me speechless, but in the midst and thru it all, I am able to comprehend the importance of still being able to praise God for being the One Who is always right by my side helping me to weather the storm that rages through my heart, helping me to see a clearer picture of what took place in my life to bring me closer to and glorify the Lord in all that I do - the lesson. Everyday presents new challenges. To stay focused and on track, it is important that we receive our To Do List From God with an open heart and mind. It is also important for us to create our own To Do List for God. You can get your To Do List From/For God soon right here at Girlfriends Glorifying God.

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