Thursday, January 29, 2015

Giving God Glory!

The Holy Spirit and I are journeying through this life helping women to rise climb and shine and to give God glory.  And so it is I enter into Gods gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise as I embark on this Spirit led and Spirit filled venture to lift up the name of Jesus working to bless, warm, touch and transform lives around the globe. To God be all the glory. I love You Lord.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pink Lipstick

It's so pretty that Pink Lipstick!  Whenever I glide it on my lips to give my face that beautiful glow, I look like a different person on the outside and when I take it off, I look so completely different, but my insides remain the same with a heart full of compassion and the glory of the shining forth from the inside out. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Girlfriends Glorifying God with our Gifts

My Dear Sweet Girlfriends,

What gifts have God given you that you should be using to honor and glorify Him?

For me, honoring, loving, reverencing, praising, glorifying and magnifying the name of the Most High is my number one priority.  I delight myself in the Lord, I trust and commit my life to Him and only Him.  I wait on Him all the days of my life, trusting Him to guide, lead, direct, teach and instruct me to do what most people would believe is the impossible.  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

I glorify God and I thank Him for the amazing gifts he has blanketed me with that I use to bring Him honor.  He has so graciously wrapped in a beautiful box, wrapped in his love and filled with gifts of design and writing.  I use my writing to express the way I feel about my Sweet and Precious Lord of Savior, my Prince who gives me Peace, Jesus Christ, the One who laid down His life for me and paid generously paid my sin debt in full; thank you Jesus.

And so it is that I give all honor to God for His Son and my Sweet Savior who saved my life.

I enjoy using my writing and design gifts to create beautiful stories and poems as well as designing true inspirational pieces of artwork that lift, warm, touch and move in ways that are so profound and with colors that seep deep into the soul touching the spirit.   To God be the glory!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Tomb

At the door of the sepulchre
I kneeled down to pray
On the other side of the stone
Is where my Savior lay.

Sleeping peacefully in the tomb
To rest His stripes and open wounds
I longed to enter this Spirit-filled room.

Patiently I waited for the stone to roll away
But sleep encompassed me
On that Third day
Falling upon me in a comatose way.

As silence melted into the land
Quietly I lay in the Master's hand.

When I was awakened
To the dawn of the day
The door of the sepulchre
Had been rolled away.

Two angels graced my presence
They took me by the hand
And led me into the tomb
To witness the glory
Of the Father's Plan.

A sweet odor of spices
Filled this empty room
And a fine linen napkin
Lay in the sepulchre
In the stillness of the tomb.

At that very moment
I knew I had been given
A new Spirit-filled life
By the rising of the Son
Jesus Christ.

Written by © Cynthia Gale Boyer, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting Dressed

Another morning, a new day, I am awakened to the goodness of God's grace and mercy to witness His wondrous works in the earth.  I began thanking Him and praising Him as my feet prepared to touch down on the floor.

I made my way to the ladies room still praising and thanking God, Lord over, in and of my life.  A few minutes later, it was time to get dressed.  God spoke to me and told me what I should wear today; He said to put on the voice of praise and then clothe myself with strength, encouragement, committing and surrendering my life to Him.  I am now ready to go to work in my home office.

I want to share with you the importance of:

Praising God
Thanking God
Blessing God
Reverencing God
Trusting God
Honoring God
Worshipping God
Waiting on God
And keeping your faith in God.

If you're experiencing hardships, persecution, fear, worry, doubt, difficulty, trials and tribulations in your life and you have been praying for God to answer and perhaps deliver you from all your anxieties and you have not heard a word from Him, keep praying, trusting and believing, giving thanks and praising Him for what He is planning to do in your life because He is working even though you may feel that He is not answering your prayers and supplications.  Be faithful to Him as He is to you and He will give you the best for your life. Our God is a loving, caring, patient, understanding and Sovereign God and He loves you despite of your iniquities.  Go to God and repent of your sins and ask Him to forgive you.  Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart; wait I say on the Lord.  So if you're scared and maybe all alone, trust in and wait on God and look up and watch Him work in your life.  You won't be disappointed.  I promise.  

Have a blessed and wonderful day in Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And now may the Lord bless you, and may the Lord keep you, and may the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and may the Lord be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May forgiveness be the law of your life, and may the Lord give to you a life that is as sweet as honey from the honeycomb as you live with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory because you have practiced the truth of God's word: forgive and you shall be forgiven. In the majestic name of Jesus, we pray and ask it.

Daily Blessing

Cornerstone Church
  • I inclined my ear unto wisdom and by His amazing grace He gave me understanding.
  • Take your steps into your awesome journey, conquer your dreams in the Light of the King's glory.
  • Trust in the Lord with every inch of your fiber and He will give you understanding for He is a loving, caring, merciful and wonderful Father.
  • In the face of the flower I see God's might, His grace and His power.
  • There is hope in knowing that the seeds I have planted an abundance of fruits will be growing.
  • Rubies in the Garden are treasures from Heaven; cherish them forever for they are gifts from God, the Almighty Father.
  • A prosperous life comes from abiding in the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crystal Clear Reflections

Dear Lord, In Your hands I see a vision a crystal clear reflection A gift of love Wrapped in hope A vision of my salvation. I see my Savior hanging Quietly on the Cross Laying down His life for me Yes He paid the cost. A crystal clear reflection He glorifies the Father Please forgive them They know not what they do In His final hour. A crystal clear reflection He emerges from the tomb Clothed with the glory He once had Before His mother's womb. A crystal clear reflection He rises with all power in His Hands the Strength of God, The Everlasting Father. A crystal clear reflection My peace for life eternal The Resurrection of my Lord In a crystal clear journal. Written by Cynthia G. Boyer